Friday, October 5, 2012

Soaring Over California

I have not blogged in a long time, all summer in fact. Two days ago I had the opportunity to go flying with my Uncle Arron. My mom told me that I would have to blog about it. Since he is a Scout Master Uncle Arron brought a blue card so we could start and hopefully finish the Aviation Merit Badge. One of the requirements is to write about a flight you took. Guess what?! Blogging about it counts as recording the flight.
    Uncle Arron picked me up at nine thirty Wednesday morning and we drove to the Placerville Airport. We were flying for and with his business partner Guy who owns an ash scattering company. If you ever need to have some ones cremated remains scattered you can check out his web site here I came home having touched a couple dead people.
    It was a lot of fun. Bryson couldn't come, because 1) the bags of ash were heavy and the plane had a wheight limit and 2) we would have had to ride with heavy bags of ash on our lap since it was only had four seats. First we headed for Lake Tahoe. I had never seen it before. The water was beautiful with all the different shades of water. Then we turned around and started towards the ocean. I was able to see my house, the Cameron Park Airport, the air park, Cameron Park Lake, Costco and the Temple. it was fun to see what they all looked like from several thousand feet in the air.
    Then we stopped for gas in Peteluma. I really liked the pilots lounge, partly because I got a brownie.
When we got to the ocean we actually flew over it and I consider that leaving the continent. Then me and Guy traded spots so that I was in front and he was in back so he could scatter ashes better. Uncle Arron let me fly the air plane a little. Then we turned towards home. Guy had brought a little cooler with a whole bunch of snacks in it so I didn't have to spend the twenty dollars that my mom had given me. After we landed and while we drove home me and Uncle Arron finished almost all the requirements for the merit badge. By writing this I've completed the badge.

The water was awesome.

I really liked the little indent in the mountain.

This is a picture of Cameron Park. You can see the airport, the air park and Cameron Park Lake.

This was from over the ocean. You can't see it, because it is covered in clouds.

This is from when I was up front.

On the top of the closest mountain those two white dots are observatories.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Riding Around

On Friday we went to the skate park. It was lots of fun to go and ride around.
Bryson and I brought our bikes. Catherine brought her plazma bike. Some of our friends were there to. There were some scary moments when I crashed, but I was OK. In one of the bowls I liked to ride in there is a spot where if you hit it at the right angle you go air born. One of the walls went extra high. It was loads of fun to ride down.

David was really cute on his little choo-choo train. He had lots of fun with his best friend Michael.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Time!

Just a few days ago we had our Christmas party for my Dad's siblings.It was a lot of fun. Everyone was there except for two Aunts and a Uncle. Even My Uncle Josh and Aunt Reianna came.

This is my Uncle Josh and my cousin Samuel. Sam is SO CUTE.

These are my cousins Ben and Will. They really like my toy boat. Ben is the one on his knees. He is also the oldest child in his family.Sam is the youngest.
The adults got their own table and the kids had to sit some where else.The people at the table counter clock wise is my dad, my Aunt Christie, Aunt Marcy, Uncle Arron, and Uncle Josh. Aunt Reianna and Uncle Tim are missing from the picture.I really enjoy being with my family and can't wait till all the parties on Christmas Eve and on Christmas day.

We didn't go to Six Flags yesterday because everyone was too tired form the party the night before.We will probably go next Thursday.See you!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Busy, busy, busy!

I have been very busy lately so that is why their are so many pictures.
This one is from family pictures at Coloma.
This is the Weblos' tower of canned food donated for the canned food drive.It was fun to build.

This picture is also from family pictures. Bryson is great at being moody
At pack meeting the Weblos put on a puppet show. It was big a success.
Just a few days ago I went flying with my uncle Arron, my dad's friend Tom and my dad. It was really fun. In between the flights we went to a restaurant that specialized in pies. I had a piece of banana cream pie. It had whip cream so it was extra tasty.

Yesterday we got to go bowling at my cousin Joshua's Birthday party. On my first turn is got a strike! It was a lot of fun. Right after that we went to In and Out for my cousin Courtny's birth day party. Then we drove to 2 specific neighborhoods to look at Christmas lights. Some times the lights got pretty wild.
The day before I went flying my Aunt Reana , Uncle Josh and my cousins Ben, William, and Samuel came to town from Texas.We decorated ricecricpy treats with candy and frosting.The product was very tasty.
On Wednesday which is tomorrow we are going to have our Christmas party for my dad's siblings. On Thursday we are going to Six Flags Adventure Kingdom better known to me as Marine World.Until next time over and out.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Play Time

For the last few days Bryson and I have been building a fort out side. From the out side it may look like a bunch of wood and tarps ,because that is what it is made of. On the inside it has a chair ,a stool and a bucket for seats that are put around a table made of a bucket and a plank of wood. I also did some online math for about a hour. Mom had Bryson and I stay home while mom took Catherine to a birthday party ,because David was and is asleep. At the moment mom is making Bryson do his school work. I am not a big fan of staying home alone ,but today was easy since David was asleep as you know and Bryson was their so it was harder to be scared. I was also distracted ,because me and Bryson were playing legos. I made a city with a throne room and jail included.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

School Times

Today around noon our assistant teacher for home school Virginia came over to see how we were doing. She gave me a piece of carbon paper that she had used for signing papers. Then I took a benchmark to see where I was in math. I enjoy when she comes over and can't wait till next time. Right after she left Bryson ,Catherine and I went down stairs to play forts. We finally made a huge fort of blankets that me and Bryson had wanted to build. When we came upstairs Bryson and Catherine started racing a toy boat and a truck around the family room.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

First day

I got the idea to start a blog when my grandma suggested I start one. It helps that I just got a camera a few weeks ago so I could post pictures. So yesterday I finally got my mom to get me started with passwords and such. I'll try to more post more often than my mom ,but I'll have to find the time.I'll try to not be too boring with what I post.